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How To Get Rid Of Brain Fog: 5 Ways to Stimulate the Brain

How To Get Rid Of Brain Fog: 5 Ways to Stimulate the Brain

Time to check in! Every day we move a little closer to normalcy and a post-COVID world. How are you?

Are you feeling a little sluggish? Maybe your thinking is fuzzy, and you find it hard to concentrate at times. It could be a similar feeling to jet lag, grogginess after taking medication, or the dreaded clock change when Daylight Saving Time starts. These are a few classic symptoms of brain fog. Ever heard of it?

Over the past few years many people, especially those who had long COVID bouts, have reported an extended period of COVID-19 brain fog. It’s not uncommon to hear someone mention a struggle with brain function and cognitive impairment after recovering from the disease.

What is brain fog?

Brain fog isn’t a new idea, but it has picked up attention as a common symptom that lingers after COVID-19.

It’s not a diagnosed medical condition and doesn’t have an official definition. Instead, brain fog is more of a collection of symptoms as a result of illness or other life stressors.

People struggling with brain fog describes symptoms like:
~ Trouble thinking clearly or paying attention.
~ Forgetting names and trouble retaining information.
~ Taking longer than usual to complete simple chores.
~ Feeling tired, lethargic or lacking energy.
~ Trouble remembering planned tasks after walking into a room.

How does brain fog develop?

One study found that brain fog can persist for several months after recovering from COVID-19. Why? 

Doctors describe many reasons why cognitive dysfunction may be a result of the illness. One of these reasons include reduced oxygen delivery and blood flow to the brain. The immune system could also be attacking healthy brain cells, causing inflammation in the brain and a loss of mental clarity.

Wait, you didn’t have COVID-19? There are other reasons you could be experiencing the neurologic symptoms of brain fog.

-- Increased or chronic stress and anxiety.
-- Hormonal changes (such as menopause).
-- Lack of sleep or chronic fatigue syndrome.
-- Other illnesses or related medications (cancer and chemotherapy).
-- Poor diet and/or high consumption of alcohol or other drugs.

No one has been immune to the pandemic, whether you’ve been sick or not. Everyone has been affected in some way. It could be that a loved one passed away. Maybe you’re one of the many people who lost their job or left a long-term employment for other reasons. 

With everything going on around us, increased stress and anxiety has been a common theme. A lot of people have plenty of reasons to worry more about family, friends or the future. It’s totally normal.And there are some easy ways you can help manage the symptoms of brain fog.

How can you get rid of brain fog? Our top 5 tips.

An alarm clock goes off in the morning and someone reaches over to turn it off.

1. Sleep Well.

Poor sleep can affect every part of your life, from mental health to productivity to physical well-being. Our body uses sleep to recharge and reset, ready to face each day. Give your body the rest it needs and a quality 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

A young woman drinks a glass of True Lemon Energy Blueberry Acai outdoors.

2. Eat well and stay hydrated.

Nutrition is a buzz word– we all want the most immunity we can get. Eat a well-rounded diet of whole, non-processed foods. A meal plan that includes healthy fats has also been shown to improve brain health because of the rich presence of omegas. And don’t forget the benefits of staying hydrated. Water keeps the body functioning its best inside and out. (Pro tip: If you need water AND a pick-me-up, True Lemon Energys keep you hydrated and energized all day with energy from green tea.)

A woman doing yoga in an outdoor plaza.

3. Exercise.

Regular exercise increases your body’s production of dopamine and serotonin. These are the “feel-good” chemicals that help regulate things like mood, memory, emotion and sleep. Aerobic exercise and being physically active will get oxygen and blood quickly flowing back to your brain!

A group of friends bowling together.

4. Socialization or “Me-Time.”

Be with others or be with yourself! Socializing with friends can have a huge mood booster and increase quality of life. Or maybe you just need space to yourself. Either way, put aside time often to do something that is fun or relaxing. Do something for you.

A woman sitting on her big yellow couch reading.

5. Manage stress and anxiety.

Easier said than done but find ways to reduce stress. There are plenty of activities that could help manage anxiety. For you it may be meditating, socializing or spending an hour reading or exercising. Don’t overextend yourself, and don’t be afraid to say no to others when you need a break. It may be beneficial to clear your mind by talking with someone about stress and anxiety. It could be a professional, a family member or friend. Open communication and conversation can help you focus on what’s most important.